Example 1: Vanilla JavaScript
Manipulate these values if you want.
// the number of items in a page
const countItemsInPage = 4;
// the number of 'number' buttons in a row
const countPagesInPageGroup = 2;
Change the array.
At the bottom, I made an array which has few data.
Codes and Result
Example 2: React & react-paginate
I made the demo of react-paginate tidier.
You can manipulate data in App.tsx.
// the data
const allItems = [...Array(33).keys()];
// the number of items in a page
const itemsPerPage = 4;
If you click a page, you can check the status through the console.
You can change things like the number of buttons shown in 'ReactPaginate' component in 'Paginate' component.